
Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Celeb Health Tips: 4 Asanas To Lose Belly Fat Easily These Are What Shilpa Shetty Dos Regularly

Celeb Health Tips: 4 Asanas To Lose Belly Fat Easily These Are What Shilpa Shetty Dos Regularly

Celeb Health Tips: 4 Asanas To Lose Belly Fat Easily These Are What Shilpa Shetty Dos Regularly

Shilpa Shetty has transformed millions of people into her fans with her beauty and figure. What does she actually do on a regular basis .. what kind of workouts does she do. Find out her beauty secrets.
Shilpa Shetty first reminds us of the yoga videos she does. Shilpa says it is good to do yoga every day to stay healthy and beautiful. The only reason for this is the workouts she does regularly.
Beauty Secrets

Shilpa says that when it comes to beauty, doing yoga regularly is the key. In a way .. Shilpa was the reason for the craze for yoga at that time. He has been very successful in promoting yoga with people like yoga guru Randev Baba. You can get those benefits by doing yoga that she follows regularly. Learn Avento .. How to do yoga .. What are the benefits of any asana .. Shilpa tells easily. However, she has also released several yoga videos. Regardless of language .. Shilpa Shetty who got full craze by making movies in many languages ​​.. broke down as a heroine .. got married to businessmen and became full busy.


This is also known as Tiger Pose. Doing this will make the muscles stronger. Especially the spine and abdominal muscles become strong. Make sure the arms and legs are bent so that the four tigers are four on the yoga mat. Now the body is parallel to the floor. In this asana, one leg is bent forward and the head is kept stiff. The leg should be fully stretched backward. Do this with one leg after the other. There should be as much time as possible in each position. Doing so will reduce the fat near the abdomen and make it look slimmer.
Celeb Health Tips: 4 Asanas To Lose Belly Fat Easily These Are What Shilpa Shetty Dos Regularly


This asana helps a lot in reducing belly fat which is one of the biggest problems we are facing now. Dissolves the muscles of the abdomen. In this, we touch the wrist from the toe to the ankle. How to do this position where the legs are kept straight and the upper part of the abdomen is bent and the hands are touching the feet. In this position the legs should be very close to each other. As well as gently inhale the air and raise the arms .. Make sure the shoulders are touching the ears. That way .. the air should be released and bent forward. At the same time the hands should be touching the feet. The knees should be brought as close as possible. Stay in this position for 30 to 40 seconds. Doing this regularly will melt away belly fat.

Veera Bhadrasanam

Stand properly first. Then hold the left foot 4 feet apart. Now rotate the left side slightly to the left. Rotate the right side as well. Then bring your feet back into place. Rotate the whole body. Then bend the left side. Now bring your body back to the same position. Stretch both hands on the head and bow. Doing so will increase your energy.


It got its name from the fact that it is shaped like a boat. To do this asana, first lie down on the mat. Then both legs should be brought close to the hands. Hands should also be brought forward. This means that the entire body weight falls on our waist. The legs and arms should be brought straight. In doing so the body is in the shape of a boat. The floor is half a foot high. All these asanas not only keep the body shape properly but also make it look beautiful. Shilpa Shetty does the same on a regular basis.

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