
Monday, December 28, 2020

Beauty Tips: Yogasanas to remove acidity

Beauty Tips: Yogasanas to remove acidity

Beauty Tips: Yogasanas to remove acidity

Acidity If you have this problem, you will have a stomach ache, nausea, nausea, and vomiting. Find out if yoga can help reduce this.

Bitterness in the mouth, lack of taste is something everyone is familiar with. This is not only due to fever but also due to acid reflux. Acid reflux is when the acids in the stomach get into the throat. This is also known as acidity. This causes heartburn. This is a problem that everyone experiences. Consult a doctor if this acid reflux is more than twice a week.

Acidity Symptoms
1. Heartburn
2. Heart pain
3. Being difficult to swallow
4. Dry cough
5. Sore throat/pain
6. Something in the throat seems to be blocked

If you have diabetes, asthma, obesity, pregnancy .. exacerbate this problem.


Your doctor may ask you to note down what you eat on a daily basis for a week after examining your symptoms. In addition, tests such as acid tests and X-rays can be done.


The stress experienced in today’s steel run life is the root cause of acid reflux. Yogasanas reduce stress. They are:
1. Latent angle - reclining bound angle
2. Latent Sukhasana - Reclining Easy Cross-Legged
3. Lateral posture - Side Stretch with Upright Modification
4. Veerabhadrasanam 1 - Warrior1
5. Triangle - Triangle
6. Circular Triangle - Revolved Triangle

Yoga Not everyone responds the same way. If you are unable to do an asana or an asana is exacerbating your problem, stop doing that asana immediately. Yoga should be a comfort to you but not a nuisance.

Otherwise ..

Antacids work best when the problem is under control. If the problem with antacids do not go away, your doctor may prescribe more strong medications. If the problem does not go away with all of these, the problem can be cured through surgery.

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