
Friday, May 07, 2021

Daily Tips: Doing meditation? But do it this way very easy and effective

Daily Tips: Doing meditation? But do it this way very easy and effective

Daily Tips: Doing meditation? But do it this way very easy and effective

The Buddha once said, "Meditation brings knowledge, lack of meditation leaves ignorance. Know what drives you forward and choose the path that pushes you back and leads to knowledge."

What is meditation? It is defined as a practice of using techniques by focusing their mind on a specific object to achieve a state of mental clarity and peace of mind. Since ancient times, meditation has been practiced in many cultures around the world.

There are different stages and types and sub-types of meditation practice. Sometimes you may be asked to sit down and think about all the events of the day, other times you have to close your mind and think of nothing. Sometimes you need thoughts to flow freely.

The benefits of meditation to your mind and body

Meditation relaxes the mind. According to science, the benefits of meditation are as follows:

  • Reduces stress
  • Manages anxiety
  • Improves sleep
  • Helps control pain
  • Helps to lower blood pressure
  • Promotes self-awareness and mental well-being
  • Improves concentration and range of attention
  • May help fight addictions
  • It May help reduce age-related memory

Meditation calms your mind. The relaxed feeling you get after the meditation can boost metabolism, improve heart rate, lower blood pressure and improve breathing and cognitive functions.

Considered a form of mind-body medicine, meditation enhances physical and mental well-being. However, for many people it is very difficult to meditate honestly because to be honest, it is almost impossible to find some peaceful time in our daily busy life.

So don’t worry. Here are some tips to help you meditate better and easier by guiding you through the following tips ...

Meditation for Beginners

Tips to facilitate meditation

Meditation is not a magical journey into the ‘nothing’ world, instead, it aims at wholeness that helps us organize and process our thoughts and actions.

(1) Take a slow breath: When you sit down to meditate you cannot imagine that your mind is free and without all thoughts. Meditation is very important for your mind to settle down slowly, think one after the other.

(2) Be comfortable: Choose to sit in a comfortable position and prepare to sit for a few minutes. You can sit in a chair with your feet on the floor, you can sit with loose crutches or any position you feel comfortable with.

(3) Focus on your breath: The simplest and most important part of meditation is to focus on your breath. Focus on where you feel most of your breathing; It could be your mouth, stomach or nose. Take a deep breath.

(4) Follow your breath for 2 minutes: inhale deeply, expand your abdomen, and then exhale slowly, your abdomen contracting.

(5) Set a time limit: It always helps to have a short time limit of 5 or 10 minutes when you breathe. As you practice more, you can gradually increase the duration.

(6) Keep your mind under control: If your mind is not focused while meditating, do not worry. It is natural and normal for your vision to leave the breath and wander to other places. When you notice that your focus is wandering, slowly focus on your breathing. Do not rush, you can go back to your meditative state with awareness.

(7) Visualize it: It helps those with an active imagination, i.e., visualizing helps to improve your meditative quality and focus, getting the most out of it. There are no specific visualization techniques, just go with your head and visualize the color, the person, space, or yourself.

(8) Use your throat: Chanting during mediation has been shown to help people meditate better. The most famous hymn associated with meditation is 'Om' or 'Om.' Chanting also helps to tune your breathing. The vibration caused by chanting Om gives a feeling similar to 'internal massage'.

(9) End lightly: As you complete your meditation session (when your mind is ready), slowly open your eyes and take some time to observe everything around you. Observe your emotions, your body and your thoughts.

Other tips to facilitate meditation include:

You can count each breath from 1 to 10 and once you reach 10, start.

You do not always have to sit and meditate, lying down or yoga sleep will help you meditate and it is very natural for you to fall asleep in this manner.

Focus on your body (posture, strength, etc.)

Do not force yourself to meditate, if you have to force it, take a break and go back when your mind and body are ready to sit in one place.

45 minutes without meditating once a week, equalize your space
Experts suggest that it is best to choose Yanni and meditate for 5-10 minutes every day.

Final Note ...

You can meditate anywhere, anywhere. Regular meditation has been shown to help improve quality of life.

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